Tuesday 28 February 2012

Chapter Two: Life after the incident regarding Monsi’s tea

It was a tiny insignificant detail somewhere hidden in the most secret places of his triangular brain. Triangulars even if considered to be “aliens” to us they do not possess as someone from earth would think a special intelligence. This is not the case at all, nature in all its potency has limits and inside these limits all the creatures of this universe exist, think, act and react. The basic forms of life could be considered quite boring but usually life, thus nature, chooses always the path of evolution, the one which is functional, practical and therefore obvious.
A boring example would be, in order for a form of life to be on air needs wings, thus wings it has. If someone wants to think needs brains, thus brains he has. Unfortunately when it comes to brains this is not always the case as you might have experienced already quite a lot of times. Going on about the triangulars, they have a brain like humans do without having any extraordinary mental capacities. What changes however, is the mental processes of perception. There is the earthly perception and then the triangular perception. The triangular perception is more focused in the periphery of the information, which is received, but not in the centre of it. It is exactly like the triangle. The points around the centre of the triangular are what defines the triangular and not necessarily the centre. So Monsi had a difficulty in accepting the obvious. He was struggling to fight a lost battle because the centre of the information he had received the previous afternoon could not stop screaming at his brain cells LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME.  Despite though all this shouting his brain unwillingly, mainly due to its structure, was refusing to look, encouraging Monsi to wake up earlier than usual and begin his beautiful day. Little did he know!

It was one of these days that you have something bothering you without being able to define it. Everything goes wrong without the day giving you any sign of mercy or compensation. It was a bad day, his brain was aching so much, it felt like having someone hitting rhythmically from the inside his brain bones. It was as if there was someone surfing on his brain cells, it felt like his head would crack and explode creating a nuclear butterfly form in the sky (no mushrooms in planet triangle).
People were also quite mean to him. His teacher was screaming at him during the lesson, people at the market were doing their best to make him feel stupid and incompetent, two biketringlists almost crossed over him without asking to excuse them, instead they were been extremely uncivilised shouting to him “What! Are you fucking blind are you?” and that was weird given the fact that they were extremely kind to the next person that almost became their victim, to whom they apologized kindly and moved on, as usual decent and respectful trianglers do.

 As he was passing by the great square of Kar he stopped to look himself at the monumental mirror of the unknown saviour. The basic idea of this monument was that since there is no clue and no evidence about this saviour, thus he is unknown, everyone can see looking at the mirror his or her face being reflected and possibly revealing the identity of the possible saviour.  He enjoyed looking at the mirror; he always believed that if the unknown saviour had his looks wouldn’t be unknown at all, not this time though. This time, when he saw his reflection, almost hated him and the worst was that he could not define why. All of a sudden, he looked a little bit more smug and knowledgeable, he seemed feeling great but at the same time there was something very offensive about this satisfaction with him. He had an air of a disgusting righteousness, and this righteousness was exactly so atrocious to behold, because he had no idea why he was so righteous about anyway. Simply said he looked like a fool.

He seemed to be like these mental people standing in the middle of the square claiming to be prophets or son of prophets or even worst sons of God. Needless to say that on Planet Triangle, as in almost every planet, there is a God. They call him the watchful eye and he is represented by a triangle with an eye on the top. He is not a great, or a miraculous God like ours are in earth, and we have quite plenty of them actually, but he is a decent god. He is called the Great Architect and he demands only a good life by all his believers. Some rules are set such as:

“When you start something finish it”

“If you think you can’t do something, then don’t it”

“Always defend the truth or at least adapt it to your case but always with decency”

“Find the limits between pure logic and nonsense”

“If you are so stupid and start judging others then begin firstly by judging thyself”

And then the infamous and quite oppressing for the inhabitants of planet triangle,

 “Never! NEVER!! NEVER!!! Sleep with more than 33 people at a time or you will be called promiscuous and be judged not by me but from the society”.

 So he had this face full of this revolting smugness and disgusting righteousness (the ha ha face I got you) that could make anyone furious. However even if he recognized the state of his expression, he could not take it out of himself, it was as if his body new something and had decided not to share the knowledge with him. And suddenly the first hit came. His hand punched him right on his nose. It hurt so much…second hit and the pain grew even more… he looked again his face in the monumental mirror of the Unknown Saviour (the son of the Great Architect, which by the way is unknown and there is no clue about what he exactly saved or what he will save. There is a lack of information concerning his divine existence into the holy scriptures, as well as some inaccuracies about if he was, or if he will be, or if he is, but none the less Trianglers decided to worship him pro bono) and he saw himself smiling and nodding at him slowly articulating the following three words EK, AW and PU.

Now before going on there are some phenomena in nature that are extraordinary and too successful to be considered as a product of just pure infinite luck. One of these examples is Earth, which as you all know is located in an orbit around our Sun that gives it the right temperature for liquid water and things to grow. It is not too hot and not too cold, it is just right! At the same time about our moon someone could suggest that randomly has the same analogically diameter as the sun, and thus we live maybe in one of the fewest planets if not the only one where we can be entertained by this spectacular show that we call the solar eclipse. God, Luck, Randomness, these are many finite words with no actual meaning trying to explain the infinite possibilities of an even more infinite universe. Sad. The world is in a state of flux and not of a stasis. leave it be. Its stasis it’s his flux and his flux its stasis. What is happening is happening. Stay to the fact and do not ask why.
Therefore, like the Earth the Moon and obviously since it is a leaving planet, Planet Triangle, Monsi had one of the most crucial, extremely based on luck meetings of his life so far and that would begin with a bimbo scream (a.k.a the scream of a Bimbo)
“OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG  OMG !!! LOOK AT YOU!!! What are you doing here? Where have you been? How are you? It’s been so long! Do you like my dress?”

“Well hello to you too Sirap. I am living here. I was studying. Now I’ve finished. I am waiting to enter the adult program. I am unemployed. NO! I have to go ASAP!”

“Hey! Hang on! Don’t be so hasty! Are you ditching me away? You are ditching me away!”

“Well well you are not just another red-haired are you now? You are a red-haired with brains. Anyhow what are you doing here in Kar? This town is too small for your reputation. (Ten men and three women have gathered around giving Sirap lustful looks) Hey Sir please, by all means, do as you do, but please keep your boner down! You see now what I mean Sirap, these people have no manners”

“Who needs manners when I am here babe? So I came to this shithole of yours for some leisure time. I’ve been moving films for ages now and I am just tired I need some time off for me. So I came here and mind you had I not seen you talking to yourself I wouldn’t have greeted you but you seemed in need!”

“In need indeed but for a fucking psychotherapist” He thought. “No I wasn’t. That is ridiculous. Let us just say that I’m in a bad state, that’s all, nothing to worry about. Ok now I am going,  bye bye!”

“Hold on you smug face piece of shit!!! I haven’t seen you for ages since the incident and this is how you behave?”

“Well yes! this is how I greet you since the incident and mind you that I’ve realized now why you wanted me so bad to escort you. Just because you wanted a thirty-fourth person. You were building your reputation on my back!”

“I had already a reputation my dear friend, you just helped me look even more slutier… and for that I am grateful”

“And this is how you show your gratitude? Appearing after 4 years in front of me nonchalantly asking me how I am and screaming OMG?”

“What’s wrong Monsi-mons? Haven’t you missed your friend Rispa? Ex daughter and the present greatest slut of the Trobe? And anyways what’s the problem with you? You don’t seem well?”

“I wish I knew Rispa… Look I am quite edgy at the moment (I just saw myself smiling and nodding and speaking incomprehensible words, he thought) just give me some time all right…? For how long will you be here?”

“How long do you want me to be?” And she gave her special smile
Something, (well we know what!) stirred inside Monsi’s pants. He grinned a smiley grin and said “I have still the same number… call me bitch!”.

Finally he was smiling. It was a small smile but still a smile it was. Quite uneasy with a pinch of bitterness, god knows why he was bitter, but bitter he was, and exhausted, you see for our friend smiling used to be quite easy. He used to smile everyday, every hour, every moment with no second thoughts and usually whichever were the circumstances. But today he had to struggle. Walking back home he had this skeevie feeling that he was watched and followed. It was this sense  but not the one that you read in novels or the one that people mention when narrating stories of how they were robbed or followed by a maniac stalker. No that was not the case, it was not a passer by… not a stalker… not even a spy… it was as if all existence was watching him. It was like all the attention of the universe was focusing on him. He was scared. He needed to sleep.  

                                           *   *   *   *

“He was floating into nothingness, into a void in between the galaxies, the semen of creation. Darkness was so thick that he could see it, an immaterial materialized next to him, around him, above him surrounding him but not being into him. Two different existences in a fight. This darkness was alive as was he. This darkness wanted to float into him. It was pressing his eyes, his ears his nose trying to invade his skull with might and determination, and how much he was resisting…!, and when time came to let it enter, “a sweet surrender, a relief” he thought knowing that anyways it was inevitable. “Who can fight against such a power? Who is able to will and tame this beast?” And then the voice resonated into the emptiness. It was not his screaming. No. It was an imperial voice, an oasis into the vast silent brutality of darkness and it was beautiful and powerful. And it said AW, EK, PU”

                                                   *   *   *   *

He woke up. He was hard. The phone rang. It was Rispa. “Shit” he said and he picked up.

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