Tuesday 28 February 2012

Chapter One: Monsi’s Life before the incident regarding his tea.

Monsi’s life was boring, but that would be a euphemism because Monsi’s life in reality was excruciatingly dull. His life, despite the fact that he was unemployed and that he didn’t possess any kind of talent or qualifications, was programmed perfectly. He was waking up every day at the same hour, though he permitted himself two hours of more sleep during the weekends. He was taking his breakfast, lunch and dinner almost on the same hour every day, he was running one hour every day and in the end of the day (it depends of which day) he was giving himself time to read, to watch a stupid TV show, to watch a movie, or to give himself a treat, with whatever the word treat implies.
Someone would like maybe to know more about Monsi, before proceeding to the events regarding the incident with his tea, and the events that followed this incident. So I will take some time to explain briefly the reasons why Monsi had such a boring, and pointless life.
Monsi a young man around twenty-eight years old had the chance to study and travel around the Trobe quite enough. He grew up in Kar, a small fishing village somewhere in his world. He spent some years in Nath as a student in the university, where he ferreted out all these things that a young person must discover about his/her self, such as, life, where we go, where we end up, if everything is in vain, who is the best singer, who should win the “Triangle’s got Talent” and so on. He had his masters in Landpo and in landsneth where he saw and understood the world under different perspectives. He experienced different customs, morals and mentalities.
When all these mobility ended traround the triangle, and him having already visited the three of the four sides of his world, quite an accomplishment for a person from Kar since the usual big trips for Karians were till Nath and that was considered dangerous, he had to do something but he had no idea whatsoever. Usually the youth program demanded a person of his qualifications to start being an adult productive member of the society. That was utmost problematic though, since the adult program was overloaded and there were no entries available for youngsters like Monsi.
If someone who is interested in social matters and quite impatient and would like to know beforehand why the adult program was overloaded has to attend to another book concerning Nion Eupa’s social structure and it’s problems named “A Thorough Explanation Of Nion Eupa’s System And It’s Problems” written by Raig and Ed Agrub. On the other hand, if you are a patient reader you will extract quite many details concerning Planet Triangle as the narrative, about Monsi’s life before the incident regarding his tea, proceeds.
So Monsi had no available choise. In order to go on with his life, and live as an adult, he had to wait for a vacancy in the adult program, and as if it wasn’t only that his problem he had to wait also for his turn, since in front of him there was a line of four thousand five hundred ninety and one youngsters. Of course he could do something else in the meantime, like studying music or triangraphy, since he enjoyed travelling. He could try to take the special permit that was needed for the fourth side of the triangle, even though this was almost impossible since “the bottom” was accessible to very few. He could have done many different things, but as I mentioned in the beginning he was talentless except a special inclination towards curiosity, which is quite questionable if it constitutes a talent or the source of all his problems and the misfortunes he had to overcome.
All in all his only choice was to return to Kar, stay there and patiently wait there, stuck in the age of 28, until the right time come to enter the adult program and proceed with his life and his adulthood. He could not work, as working is an activity permitted only to people being members of the adult program. Hence there was he, living with his “mother” a boring, kindly said, life.

Now before going on with Monsi’s life many of you might have guessed that he is  from another planet. If not then I strongly believe that you should close this book and read something different since in this story much nonsensical stuff will start going on and I really need my readers to be focused! If on the other hand you are not keen on nonsensical stuff then I would like to urge you to read Alice in Wonderland, which I am sure, you will find it very much of your taste.
The fact that Monsi is from another planet that doesn’t mean that he is not like us. He has two legs, two arms, no tentacles and he has a regular brain and more or less a common intelligence. Due to atmospheric and nutritional reasons the only “special” about him and about the residents of Planet Triangle though it depends from one person to the other, is the colour of his hair, deep purple with sparkling silver highlights.
In general triangulars, in the triangular argo Trianglers, are not so different from us. Of course there are some differences, but mostly when it comes to social structures, morals and customs. For instance I already mentioned two of the social classes in Planet Triangle, which are the young program and the adult program. Apart from these programs, there is the infancy program and then the elder program, and if people in triangle are so lucky they enter in the top of the top programs, which is the elder eldest program. When it comes to morals and before reading the next few paragraphs, please be aware that this story is directed towards adults only, I would kindly ask young children to close their books.

Al righty then.

In triangle there are no morals or their morals would be perceived by a person from Planet Earth as a lack of morals. In order to make a demonstration, I will bring this simple but convincing example. A dildo in planet triangle is something that you can use it only once, meaning that you can find only one use dildos something almost like condoms on Earth. You can find them in every shape and colour and you can buy them in a supermarket. In addition to that all programs can use them except of course the infancy program. After the age of 16 every person is aloud to use a dildo. Sex and especially masturbation plays a great role in social life. They are considered to be tools for keeping the individual, and as well as the society, happy and relaxed and this is a very strong reason of why in Triangle there is no use of drugs. Of course there is the “green powder”, which you can smoke but this is not for relaxation but only for stimulation, in order to be productive and efficient, when it comes to mental work, also it must be noted that it is given to you after a special request.

There is no shame in sex. On the contrary it is a great shame if you are asexual or purposely celibate. The latter especially it is considered to be one of the most foul perversions in Planet Triangle along with not drinking alcohol and not eating chocolate. So sex can be practiced publicly, secretly (as long as after sex you have a huge grin is acceptable), individually, with one or two or three or thirty-three people, but mind that number thirty-three is a line that cannot be crossed over. Above thirty-three participants at the same time and you will be granted the characterization of being promiscuous. There is also no sexual identity definition. Everyone can go with everyone and there is even a small community that are considered to be out casters that show a certain preference into mating with animals. Thankfully this story precludes these individuals.
Family has a very a loose sense, since it is a society where you can never know or even guess who is the father. Consequently legislators and sociologists thought that it would be only fair also for mothers not to know to whom they gave birth. Therefore it was decided, many astro-triangular years before, that women who declared the desire of having a baby would give birth in secluded places along with other mothers and always during two seasons spring and winter. Then the newborns after a lottery session were distributed equally to every mother. One woman had the right up to three children and these children were informed later in their lives (when entering to the youth program in the age of 16 for boys and girls) about the existence of their siblings, thus the reason of the famous triangular saying “along with years come the siblings”. Only women and men during their membership in the adult program could have children and only after the age of 35, rationally these were measures of keeping the society free from incest and inbreeding.

Triangle planet is ruled by one trobal government. Many years and many wars as well as countless days of intergovernmental planning had passed in order to have the present outcome, for the sake of the planet and the Triangular nations. Since this decision, every area elects one representative, with the number of representatives adding up to 54. All of them reside in the top of the triangle. There, there is a huge majestic building with luxurious accommodations not only for the representatives but also for the royal family. The royal family is elected by the people and it is changing every 5 years. The people consisting this family as it is mandated in the triangular constitution must be six and only for the years of their reign they leave behind their real names, and take the symbolic names, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son and last but not least daughter. These people symbolize the main programs, that is said the youth program, the adult program and the elder program. For obvious reasons infants and the eldest elders have nor right to be elected or to elect, mainly due to their limited mental capacities. Certainly belonging to the royal family is something very prestigious and every youngster usually wants to be named Son or Daughter, mainly because these roles have the biggest glamour. They are usually chased by the Triangulars paparazzi and after their reign usually glorious days expect them, since they usually become actors, singers, musicians and porn actors. One of the most famous daughters in triangular planet nowadays is Sirap Notlih and she is admired as being the sluttest of the sluts in triangular porn industry. Her first steps in building her fame, were during her reigning days as the Daughter, when she was caught in the action of having sex with thirty four men and women giving the right to the Triangulars of calling her promiscuous.
The rest of the royal family had to deal with serious business such as great openings and thinking of ways to eradicate boredom, especially to those belonging in the youth program. As we move on with the story many more facts will come up regarding the morals and customs of this weird planet and its inhabitants.

Unfortunately Monsi did not have the great opportunity of becoming a son and experience five years of fornications and pictures that he could update to his personal intertriangular social network called the friendsbook, but he had still dreams of becoming maybe some day the father. Having these thoughts and lamenting the fornications he was missing, needless to say that this day was a good day since he seduced the butchers boy, he was seduced and used by his landsnetherian teacher and he had a great most stimulating threesome with two women from the adult program, the following incident happened that change the rest of his life and finally puts us in the main story.

It was one of these hours of the day where you have no idea whatsoever about what you will do. During this time, it’s like minutes freezing and you being swallowed into a blissfulness which only people in mental houses experience usually after a big hysteria incident and having been treated with strong tranquilisers.  He had his usual strong tea and a cigarette in his mouth. The lighter was in his right hand, raised at the level of his mouth burning a bright green fire, his expression lost and blank watching without seeing, being totally empty and concentrated into this emptiness, when his eye caught a movement coming from the surface of his drink. His brain refused to move, refused to react, “anyways what could be inside my tea” he thought. The lighter was still burning, his cigarette was still untouched in between his fingers waiting for the inevitable, and the information stimulating his eyes just couldn’t hush or be hushed and ignored. “Oh Crapus Trings!” he said and looked.
He sipped his tea, he smoked his cigarette, and he went running. Then totally oblivious of what he had seen earlier that day, he fell asleep after reading this stupid but funny novel about a bunch of idiots trying to destroy a golden ring with magic powers “why should anyone want to destroy a golden ring with magic powers?” Tomorrow morning his brain would begin ringing like a frenzy alarm, and that was only the beginning.

                                                            *   *   *   *

Beyond the infinity in a galaxy called the confederation of polygons consisted of eight planets, in planet octagon in the eighth corner on the top, in one building with one room with eight corners, an amber light begun going on and off. Two people were drinking their tea, calmly enjoying each other’s silent company, when one of them perceived the anomaly, their names Mr Quick and Mr Slow and you will understand soon the reason of the attributed names.

 “We have an eye witness” said Mr. Quick.
 “What are you taking about?” asked Mr. Slow looking inquiringly around him.
“We have an eye witness” said again Mr. Quick obviously annoyed.
“An eye? In here? And is witness of what?” asked Mr. Slow still looking greatly puzzled.
 “WE HAVE AN EYE WITNESS YOU IDIOTIC PERSON, someone just realized!” replied Mr. Quick fuming this time.
“First of all I would appreciate if you could stop being so mean at me, and secondly next time try to be more precise and explain, that somewhere an eye saw something, which is by the way far more RIGHTIOTIC than just stating that we have an eye witness, because evidently there is not such a thing as an eye in here, and if it were it wouldn’t be a witness of something important ANYHOW !!! Be that as it may Mr. Quick, what did the eye saw?”
“You fucking moron it’s an expression, a figure of speech, meaning that somewhere someone saw something that should not have been seen by anyone got it?”
 “I did got it now Mr. Quick, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, but you don’t have to hurt my feelings, you know I am sensitive”
“Well I am sorry Mr Slow you know very well that I am quite ill tempered. You remember what that means right?”
“Yes I do, Thank you very much Mr Quick! You know that you have a prescription for that right?”
“Yes I do have but these pills make my breath quite nasty, but anyways give me a kiss and lets go set the alarm we already wasted time. Thank the polygons the yellow light is not going off and on yet.” 
“Yes Mr Quick thank the polygons! If the yellow light starts going mental then this poor eye will be in a big trouble. At least now he saw without understanding and at least he will die without knowing why. Usually it hurts more when you know. Kiss me Mr Quick and after setting the alarm let’s go for one of your Quickies.”

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