Friday 4 May 2012

Chapter Five: Where Monsi finds out that he has talents. (Part 2)

“Well well I should have understood the annoying voice, the moment I heard your idiotic coughing” “Glad to see you too Rispa” said the tigress and gave a ridiculously big well-rehearsed sinister smile.
“The tigress talks” Said Monsi.
“You talk and she talks” replied Kiki
“We all of us talk” said Rispa, “Now that we have settled the proper use of verb talk can we proceed with our business? Was that frenzy running your doing Kiki?”

“The tigress talks” continue Monsi obviously unable to digest the fact.
“I can see that few hours with you have already caused an un-repaired damage to his mental capacities. As always Detrimental Darling. Yes Monsi I do talk! I am not a being from your planet and I was left here to help you deal with your current problems, Kikimora unfortunately had to deal with other business”
“What kind of business?” asked Rispa in a demanding kind of way “Well none of your concern at the moment!” Replied Kiki firmly, and continued “I am quite amazed actually that Monsi was able to let himself go and meet me here. This appointment was set in order to see if Kikimora’s spell works and as I can see it worked. You were just late but maybe that was because of your incompetence Rispa?”
Rispa took a deep breath closed her eyes exhaled and replied with an unnatural sweet voice, “Well I was about to ask you, because something very unexpected happened” “oh yes of course something unexpected…” replied the tigress with even a sweeter but at the same time menacing voice. “well everything happened as it was expected, all day long until now at least he was in a complete blank phase. I knew that the spell would take more time on him especially because of his character and his quite developed mental abilities, so I was quite patient all day and then all of a sudden he snapped…” in the mean time Monsi was still silent looking at Rispa and Kiki. “what do you mean when you say snap?” interrogated violently Kiki “Well he snapped I don’t know a way of explaining it better” Kiki pleaded ironically “Please, try to amaze us with your advanced verbal abilities by all means, shed some light” Rispa breathed once more, the kind of noisy breath that speechless people breathe when they have no other ways of showing their annoyance, she smiled a maniac terrifying smile full of sweet poison, targeted Kiki with her eyes and said “well we were sitting outside drinking a coffee. I was already a little bit disappointed by him as I already said before you interrupting me and suddenly he grabbed my hand and begun running.”  “Well there is nothing odd about that, it was the spell finally working, he was programmed by Kikimora to come and find me” “Was it? Are you sure? Because this run was something else it was unnatural no actually it was supernatural he was going really fast” “Was he now?” asked Kiki with an enigmatic smile “well apparently he has more talents than he knows, and obviously than we know too” Monsi in the meantime had seated himself down on the floor still looking expressionless the wall. “What is the problem with him now why is he so silent?” “I think that he tries to digest all these information he received in almost less that an hour” said Kiki giggling. “Are you laughing at me” said Monsi with a silent anger creeping in his voice. None of the females replied. “ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?” Said this time evidently outraged. Monsi was fuming and that was not nothing to be afraid of. The scary fact was that the tree house was now slowly trembling, as if it was floating on boiling water, “Monsi you have to calm down now, come one boy” said Kiki, but Monsi was unable of relaxing and continued screaming even louder, “I WAS NOT JUST RUNNING I WAS FLYING! I MADE AN HOUR DISTANCE IN LESS THAN A MINUTE, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? ALL THESE DREAMS! ALL THESE SECRETS! WHY IS THE TREE HOUSE TREMBLING? AM I SOME KIND OF A Fre..” the screaming stopped abruptly “Well it is the only right think you have done all day long I must say Rispa!” said Kiki laughing “this was quite a hit” “Well thanks, but we cannot go like this you know there is obviously something happening to him that even me I cannot understand” “Well you don’t have to, for now, what you need, well we need, is to keep him calm. If such an exhibition of his powers happens once more the project will be endangered.”  “Ok then suit yourself do not reveal still all of your secrets but you will have to tell me some day, you know that!” “Well my dear Rispa it is not my project isn’t it? Kikimora at this stage at least demands secrecy, and secrecy she shall have. The only thing that I can reveal is that he begun running franticly because of his pursuers” “Pursuers?” asked Rispa, “Yes Pursuers, you know, people who hunt other people, I received an information this morning. Apparently Mr Slow and Mr quick are on the loose, to be precise they were yesterday at the bar” “the two monks you mean? So that was the reason of your ridiculous bestial performance” “watch your mouth Rispa because I will perform bestially on you and you wont like it at all” “I’m sorry” said Rispa trying not to laugh, “Anyways” continued kiki “yesterday I was catching their scent because I was quite suspicious of them and in the end I proved to be right, the only thing that puzzles me is why they haven’t made a move of killing Monsi?” “Maybe because they don’t have a license to kill us yet?” proposed Rispa stressing the us in order to show that her life was as the same value as Monsi’s. “Well it can be an explanation but still not a sufficient one. Anyways I think that Monsi’s powers today were mainly triggered because of their presence. It is quite amazing, something else, despite the fact that even if he does not understand what is going on, who are his enemies, what does he have to accomplish, his body and instincts act for him in a most efficient way, truly amazing” “well if you say so misses I know it all. So what is next?” asked Rispa “We are going to the Triangle-Top we need to recruit the royal family. I am very afraid that the representatives and senators have been recruited by others. Do you remember your way in the palace, codes and passwords?” “Oh yes I do” said Rispa smiling. Kiki took the unconscious Monsi on her back and opened the door behind her. Kiki, Rispa and the unconscious Monsi entered inside the room. The room was round made of obsidian, in the centre there was a column, a bright pink column and on it there were three special placements for two hands and one paw. “Hold him tight and steadily” said kiki to rispa “we have a long way to the top.”

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Poems which make no sense

For happiness might be a beautiful sun
For sorrow can be under the sun
For freedom can be like the greyest of clouds
and reason might exist in the darkest of hounds.

A minute I asked and a minute I took,
what shall I do with it I never understood
Life to hold and life to cease, capture it all and not only look
But I was mistaken not only, but a fool! and in the end alone I stood.

But is important to cherish the day
Despite the outcome of come what may
and be ware of springs colorful may
it might find you being in a total dismay.

Nonsense it might nonsense it is,
but nonsensical words are all as it is
took them or leave them, do as you want
but try to be happy and bold.

Monday 2 April 2012

Cold February Days (5)

I am at the party. I drunk too much, I do sometimes, don’t get me wrong, I have an excuse; a solid one, today is my birthday you see. Friends came, good people, nice ones cool. They are my temporary viewers, they come they go and they come again, I am like the view, I remain, they like me, I like them too, I’ve mentioned it before I like my people.

I "the view", carefully I notice them. Their nods, smiles, their postures and body language their facial expressions, their gleaming eyes. Ifi’s face, her black hair, Elina’s lips and thin figure, Eva’s worried and tired look, Maria’s playful smile, Nas’ hands as he moves them while he talks, Martin’s British discretion, all of them beautiful, all of them came today here for me.

I wanted to go the hospital but for what? No one celebrates death, no one celebrates a mutilated life a broken one, it’s scary, it’s cruel, it’s true. Don’t get me wrong I would have gone I needed to see with my own eyes but I am scared. I might get inebriated with sadness I don’t want that, not to today. Today I am turning 28 I am celebrating. In Greek they wish you many years, in English they say happy birthday, in French it’s the same and in Dutch they congratulate you. I always thought the Dutch way funny. Congratulations for growing up and being raised up and surviving in a well organized western society, where everything you need is one minute away, congratulations for staying alive amidst the difficulties and the dilemmas of should I take the car of should I use the metro or should I take instead my bike. Congratulations for being alive in a society where you can actually chose to become vegetarian and refuse the food that is given to you. I thought it was funny… now I do not.

When you have everything then you get the chance to think about other things, you have the luxury of being sad, most of the times you don’t even know why. The luxury of melancholia, a dark but not an ugly feeling, a sad beauty, maybe people are meant to be sad, being sad is easy being happy, truly, honestly, is difficult I reckon. Being Sad it's easier than being Happy... You see S A D only three letters, H A P P Y five and one is double… Tricky... !!!

My father was not happy, my friend was not happy either, both of them were more than just unhappy they were drained completely of hope they were empty shells. Life is ironic, there is a power into humanity, maybe is in scripted our genes and awakes during the grimmest hours, when people understand the danger of their extinction, understand the danger of not surviving.  Wars, famine, sicknesses, disasters and you see them fighting to stay alive and survive, for them life is not insignificant I think.  There is a certain kind of freedom when there is nothing there that can be lost except our own existence; you just do everything you can to stay alive. They didn’t. 

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Cold February Days (4)

I am at my sisters house., I arrived. She lives with her boyfriend, a nice life in a nice apartment with even a nicer view. Their house watches the sea, I watch the sea, their view, now being alone, sitting on their couch. Their house is a sweet disposition, their dream their laugh. I will stay here drink a coffee same procedure; I will steal some of their glory and then back on my own. They love each other; it’s nice, not just nice, majestic, breathtaking, vivid like them. In the midst of their insignificant life they found their significant other, they are whole, you see they are together there is where their beauty lies.

On my fb page, millions of wishes, that’s nice, friends, lovers, wanna be lovers, strangers, my fb page is whole I am not.

Stressed about the party still… which bar shall I take them to? How many people? Which people? Two options, Booze or locomotiva, two options he has life or death. I am searching the place that will give me a sense of wholeness of being completed, my friend struggles to decide if he will end up alive or dead. Both ways though he will be mutilated, broken. There are many ways to become broken, a failed attempt to kill yourself is the worst, you can’t forget that, if you survive, you can't forget it. How can you? your mutilated life keeps reminding you of it.

Final decision is taken. Booze it is, in case we don’t like it there will always be another bar to go too. You see this is the advantage with life you have choices. Maybe insignificant ones, minuscule, tiny, indifferent, but still they are choices, you chose, you can be chosen, you can find, you can be found.  I am not broken yet, but I am sad. I am 28 years old, today is my birthday and I know already two people that committed a suicide. I am not without hope, I just don’t understand why hope disappears, lets down some people.

One of them was my father, nice guy, sensitive, weak, all the time taking bad decisions. I do not hold it against him. You see I was one of his bad decisions too. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him, I still do it’s crazy, he loved me but he shouldn’t have kids, it’s hard I know, but some people just shouldn’t have kids.  I don’t think he ever understood what it is to be a father. He needed friends, he had friends that was enough. He himself remained a child a lost one, drowned by responsibilities, he couldn’t take it, he was sensitive you see. If he had the same amount of addiction to life as in alcohol now he might have been alive, but I guess life for him was also insignificant. People are those who set priorities, I don’t blame them this is what people do. 

Monday 19 March 2012

Chapter Five: Where Monsi finds out that he has talents. (Part 1)

This chapter is still under revision

“What’s the name of this world you told me about?”

“Earth and we are not supposed to talk publicly about it,  so lower your voice”

The next day after the meeting with Kikmora, Monsi and Rispa went out to grab a coffee. They sat outside since it was a lovely day. It was sunny, there were some beautiful pink clouds decorating the sky. Monsi was staring at them wearing a completely blank expression.

“Are you trying to remember? Oh Monsi !!! What have I told you””
“That I am not allowed to remember of anything that Kikimora told me last night.”

“Yes you are not allowed. Monsi please just let it go, and just act! Do not think about it. The information you received is supposed to be kept secret if you do remember then all this fuss and all this struggle are for nothing.”

“But that is the point! If I do not try to remember then how can you expect me to understand what are you fighting for guys?”

“Because you are not supposed too. Just act instinctively and I will be by your side in every step to help you and guide you”

“Rispa ok I am trying but seriously this is ridiculous you told me that we have a lot of work to do and since 7 in the morning we have already sat to 4 different coffee places just looking at each other! I mean this is outrageous we are not doing something we just consume coffee.”

“Well Kikimora explained that it would take some time didn’t she? Besides if you keep thinking about it your brain will be continuously misreading the guidelines that were given to you. So just relax and take it easy”

 “Yes I should take it easy, the thing is that I am getting very annoyed and  find it very difficult to take it easy especially when I am instructed too… and you know very well which word ignites me and gets me snappy.”

“Don’t even start!”
“No I just pronounced the word relax, please, keep yourself together relax!”
“Do you do that on purpose? I AM relaxed”
 “Oh you have a lot of nerve!!! Seriously you are being ironic with me?” by now he was standing up being completely red with anger, obviously not relaxed at all “I am relax and I do not need you to tell me what to do, you know very well…”
“Oh my god” thought Rispa “he started again, I wonder how much this crisis of hysteria will last this time?” and silently she started fantasizing butterflies and ribbons and bunnies and clouds and as she was thinking about these things her face had an even more annoying expression of self awareness and peacefulness that was making Monsi even more angrier. And then she realized that there was silence.
Monsi was looking at her with an expression of someone who just had an amazing epiphany.
“Are you alright?” she asked,
“Yes I think I am?”
“Is this a question?”
“I am not exactly sure…”
“What is it then?”
 “I really do not know, I just feel like walking. No walking, actually running. We should run… We should leave this place, now!”
He grabbed her hand and he begun running like crazy, his heart was biting fast, he could feel the pulses in his head, his ears where buzzing rhythmically, he could not stop. Despite the whole running situation he felted danger but simultaneously a strange euphoria that gave him the needed boost to run faster, faster than he had ever run in his life. He was sure in a very uncertain way about his whereabouts, he knew without understanding where to go. He passed by the memorial of the unknown saviour, he run across the bridge of glass and he entered into the antigravity leisure park. Rispa was silent trying to keep up with him, not that she needed to since he was in a sense carrying her away with him. The moment they entered the park both of them left the ground, with the speed of a triangle puma Monsi was jumping from one tree to another pulling with him an amazed and bewildered Rispa until he found a round tree house. He stopped at the porch, opened the door made of dark glass entered and closed the door behind him.

“Hem hem”

Monsi and Rispa screamed,

“Hem hem”

Monsi and Rispa screamed again

“Hem hem hem, excuse me but I really do not think that it is kind of you to scream whenever I cough, you are seriously making me feel quite uncomfortable about it. Besides I just want to catch your attention I never expected that my cough to catch attention would be that fearsome.”

Monsi and Rispa were confused. There was no one to be seen.

“You could now close your mouths please. This is something I never understood with you humanoids, whenever something happens most of the times you take this silly expression. Now compose yourselves.”

“It is not our intention to seem rude” said Monsi hesitantly “But we can’t see you”

“That is none of my concern young man! None of my concern indeed! In the old days people were taught to look now you just stare with your mouths open, which is something completely useless since you can open your mouth as widely was you want, by all means, but it wont make any difference… Why not try to open your eyes.”
Monsi looked Rispa, Rispa looked Monsi wearing a huge question mark on their faces. They closed their mouths.
“Much better! Well that’s a nice start, now open your eyes!”
Monsi and Rispa did their best,
“I said open, not goggle… STOP you two! You are being ridiculous! And I am not entertained at all!
“Ok now whoever you are, I am sure about one thing, you are annoying” said Rispa.
“Tut tut tut there is no need for insolence young lady! I am not to be blamed because you were not taught to use your body parts correctly”
“Well, in all my defence I know how to use my body parts quite well” said while winking at Monsi.
“Hmmm as it seems some more than others!” replied the voice. “Ok let’s make this easy. So close your eyes, and then start turning around yourselves very quickly after 33 times stop take a deep breath and open.”
“Are you serious” Asked Monsi,
“Young man, that’s enough! I am not to be trifled with! You really have to learn to understand when help is given. Now! I won’t say that again. Go on.”
Rispa and Monsi looked again each other. Rispa whispered, “It seems that we have no other choice let us just do what it is asked, it or she or he or whatever it is  really starts getting to my nerves” And so they did. After one, two, three four, five six, seven, eight…. Twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six…. Thirty one, thirty two, thirty three rounds they took a deep breath as they were instructed and opened their eyes…
It was like a picture developing in a dark room, first came the scheme, slowly followed the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the teeth the paws, it was Kiki, Kikimora’s tigress. 

Saturday 10 March 2012

Chapter Four: About Mr Quick and Mr slow.

Mr Quick and Mr Slow were raised up together and they were betrothed to each other since infancy. Their families had been very clear about these arrangements, when they first realized during the usual and necessary genetic control imposed by the confederation of Octagons that their not yet born children would have a tendency towards violence and evil.
Their families mighty might they were but, alas commoners in front of the eyes of Octagon justice. The law was clear; the law was firm; the law was just. Anyone who had a genetically tendency towards violence and evil had to be trained as a soldier, and be raised under the parenthood and care of the state’s army.
They gave them no names. They had nor the time to hold them, nor the right to see them ever again. The names that were supposed to bear were forgotten, as well as their heritage. There was only one request, and because of the two father’s statuses in octagon society it was well respected and fulfilled.The children were to grow up together, never to be parted by anyone and eventually when the time was right to get married. Their offspring would be genetically scanned, and in case it was found untouched by its parents tendencies would be passed on to be raised by its grandparents.
Mr Quick and Mr Slow were indeed never parted. They grew up together. they were trained together and they learned to love each other. When they came of age they wedded. Their wedding took part inside a military camp with their parents only listening their vows of immortal and everlasting love. During their bedding, they spilled their seed into a common cup. Their seed was taken and planted, and their offspring after 12 months of growth and tests was given eventually to their family. They never knew, they never felt the need to ask. They were fighters, they were soldiers they were cunning and cruel hence they were completely devoted and in love with each other, there was no room for anyone else, and this is where for them was all the meaning of this world.

During their traineeship their mighty talents were uncovered and even though had they lost their names and the heritage of their big and powerful families, they hadn’t lost the powers of their fathers. And this is a sufficient explanation about why currently their names are well known and dreaded across the Universe. For as simple as that, Mr Quick was quick and Mr Slow, slow.
Someone would think that these are nicknames, which show their mental capacities. This is not the case. Both of them were granted with high intelligence, efficiency and stamina. The attributed names given by their comrades during the difficult years of training in the army, exhibit the obvious without even a hint of hyperbolism.
Mr Quick is not just another quick person. If you look the word velocity up in a dictionary you will see his face, do it I dare you! These words: Active, agile, blue streak, brisk, double-time, flashing, fleeting, hot, hurried, hypersonic, lickety split, like a bat out of hell, like crazy, like mad, nimble, presto, rapid, snappy, supersonic, velocious, winged, are just inadequate to describe his extraordinary ability. His heart was made of solid fire and the only one that could cool him down was Mr Slow.
The name slow is again quite impecunious like the verbal abilities of people serving in an army. Mr Slow was able to be unseen, unheard, unspoken if he wanted to. Silent, cold and crystallized he was and he could be understood, motivated, and touched only by a quick person like Mr Quick. Both of them were two opposites paradoxically connected and so potent that they could be rulers of the universe; alas they had only one obstacle, their great love for each other, for their powers to be in their absolute might had to be separated.

                                              *    *    *    *

The octagon army and its secrets services used them quite many times for quite many, and various impossible missions. They were always successful. Brutality, cruelty and efficiency were their virtues. The question of whether if these values were the outcome of genes and biology, or the result of an inhuman training imposed to them cannot be answered here and simply it shan’t. Social scientists, doctors, biologists, psychologists I am sure can give many different and possibly quite satisfactory answers, and all of them will claim to be correct and unmistaken. I, on the other hand, will not give any justifying explanatory reason for their mental state and actions. I will say only that they had hell of a lot of fun in killing people and loving each other ardently, and this is exactly what they were doing. This is exactly the only thing the knew to do.
Their traces in history many. Everything unexplained, sudden, violent and brutal has their signature. Most of their acts were usually under orders but there are records of cases, like the following one which shows that from time to time they had also quite a lot of fun by practicing their favourite habit, killing.
On the earthly year 1952, February the 2nd, during their winter vacation on earth in Canada (It was Mr Slow insisting since their previous vacation were on planet Io, commonly known as the volcano planet) and after two days of hot and exhausting lovemaking, Mr Quick and Mr Slow felt the urge to have fun.
The next day six bodies were found dead and mutilated, three women and three men, their tents were destroyed; the men had bruises and their arms ripped out and the women, had their tongues cut, police officers, as well as the genitor that practiced the autopsy, were terrified by the precision, stuffed inside their firm, stiff, fists.
There is nothing explanatory or justifying about this violent act so atrociously practiced on other human beings with no obvious reason. In order to do such a thing, you have to enjoy it, and because of personal experience and knowledge believe me, Mr Quick as well as Mr Slow that night had the fun of their life.

Friday 2 March 2012

Chapter Three: Where Monsi realizes that Parties are not always mend for fun.

He knocked the door fifteen times as any other civilized well-bred Triangular would, and then he waited silently outside.

 Discretion in a society where sex is so free and so needed is necessary. You can’t knock the door and demand someone to let you in immediately. On the contrary you have to wait. It is rude to interrupt someone’s orgasm since it is considered as a beneficial act for the triangular society. Beneficial because you are reproducing thus you are offering a new citizen secondly because you contribute to the general “tension relief” of the Trobe and thirdly as the triangular constitution mandates “No “in house” sex act should ever be interrupted by any reason or person.”

 You see, we might be at the same levels of intelligence as the triangulars but our way of perceiving, as I explained before is quite focused to the point. A perfect example would be: in order to keep the planet going on we need energy so energy we will have. And you see that the Earthians build, try, dig, destroy, make war, work more, sometimes they are even enslaved. This is what the earthian perception demands, that they need to get to the point!
Now! In the Triangle planet you need energy, but the way of perceiving is different. The Trianglers before getting to the point, they measure all the three peripheral points of the main focus point. And this is when the point becomes part of your life and not your life.

What is there on planet Triangle in abundance, The trianglers thought?


So they wore their thinking hats and not because they are more intelligent than us but because of their different way of perceiving, they developed a different kind of technology and they managed to turn house beds, Hotel beds, Brothels  into power generators. That is why electricity in Triangle planet is called “Plasma Orgasmata.”

So there he was waiting silently and patiently for Rispa to finish her constitutional right, as well as her obligation to the planet. It didn’t take too long before three men and two girls opened the door and got out. “Only five?” he asked sneering, “Oh shut it! I would have invited you in but it seemed that you would spoil the general splendour” “Well probably I would have said no to your proposal” “You would have rejected me and all those things I can offer? Are you ill or something?” “maybe mentally he thought” “No I am not ill I am just in a bad state” “Well, by all means Mr grumpy come on in… Make yourself comfortable, you know where is the booze I trust, I will take some time to become again presentable”

                                                                      * * *

Three hours later…

They were going through a dark dodgy alley when suddenly Rispa stopped in front of a disgustingly smelly trash can and exclaimed

“Here we are! Isn’t that brilliant?”

“Yes brilliant indeed, I haven’t smelled something so disgusting in years now… are you out of your mind? What are we doing here?”

“Babe it is just a cover. In there is the best club in Kar”

“Inside the trash can you mean? What kind of perversion is this?”

“Well I don’t think that it’s a perversion actually, if you think about it, it’s  very intelligent. It’s the big opening today I found the flier on the street while I was going to the hairdresser's, it was immediately after meeting you actually, I found it very funny and in a weird sense original and inspiring… it wrote “Get trashed as you have never been before, in the Trash Can Today! BIG OPENING !!! Invitations only!” I thought that you would like it.”

“ok I really appreciate your extremely kind intentions but I am not in the mood of getting trashed today, can we go home?”

“Who spoke about you getting trashed today, I am getting trashed in the trash can and you will be watching me having fun… oh Come on babe… be fun! We will meet new people, which by the way many of them came from all around the planet today using the “Diameter Way””

“Oh fancy! Should I throw up now or later?”

“Monsi! Don’t be mean! Plus there is a “foreigner” today here.”


“Yes you know, one of them! I’ve heard that there is no information concerning her previous whereabouts.”

“Oh  the foreigner is a she…”

“Well yeah. I’ve seen her once in a party in Nath, she was dressed in something that looked almost like human skin and she was surrounded by thirty three people. When I asked around about her people told me not to stare… but seriously I couldn’t just take my eyes from her. Her hair had a weird yellow colour and she had a sort of extratriangle air, her name is Kikimora.”

“Kikimora? Like the animal?”

“Yes! They also informed me not to mention this in front of her.”

“Ok I see! And why would you like to meet her then?”

“Oh you know me I like being edgy!”

“Ok then… So how are we getting in the trash-kan?”

She grinned and took the two invitations out of her bag, she rumpled them quickly and gracefully she threw them into the trash, nothing happened… then a voice from nowhere said “State purpose and number of people please, then cry WOW”. Rispa went closer and shouted, “We are two People and we are here to GET TRASHED!!!!” She nodded at Monsi and Monsi added not enthusiastically at all “wow”. The trash-can moved and stairs were revealed…

                                                                       * * *

Seven hours later…

“Did you really had to do this? Did you really had to insult her in such a way?”

“Oh come on, we had FUN”

“You had fun, I just got more confused than I was already”

“Confused about the AW, EK, PU ?”

“How do you know? Were you eavesdropping?

“You know very well that I don’t do that kind of things… plus do you really think that our meeting and my insisting coming here were just a coincidence? Really? And I thought that you were literally smart…”

                                                                  * * *

Six hours prior…

The club was full of people but also full of clean, minimal spacious rooms for sitting, talking, drinking and having sex. The place was multileveled with each level corresponding to one colour. There was the white level the black the red and the yellow. Mind that the levels were not put boringly one upon the other on the contrary they were constructed in a very perplexed paradoxical way and were connected with even more paradoxical stairs. The spectacle could make you feel dizzy.
The service was really easy, there were some bartenders (men and women) walking around wearing tight elastic uniforms that were leaving exposed the body parts that could make a person excited, therefore you could not miss their breast, mouth, genitals, ass, armpits, belly buttons, feet, ears, neck, upper back and finally lower back and legs. The Twinkies for strictly safety reasons were left covered and protected. And of course there were also automated vending machines in the form of trashcans. The only thing you had to do was to say your order. The “trash-can” vending machine was providing you your drink accompanied by a voice wishing you “Be well trashed tonight at the Trash-can.”
The club was full of cats mainly back and white ones. Apparently cats are necessary creatures when we are talking about triangles. So, as was for the Egyptians and their pyramids so was for the Trianglers. Egyptians worshiped cats while trianglers appreciate cats, and as in earth you will almost always find a cat inside a trash-can therefore cats were strolling around in the trash-can. 
Rispa got Monsi by the hand and went straight to the black level and sat on a black couch made of jelly having the shape of a triangular banana (no difference with the bananas on earth) next to them were sitting to friars dressed in dark green robes kissing passionately and mutually caressing their pricks (well it seemed that way) under their spacious uniforms. On the red level on the exact opposite side there was a strange figure. It was a tall rotunda-like womanly figure dressed in something that looked like black  leather. Many people surrounded her and she had a colourful tiger sitting patiently next to her while looking hungrily at her distant relatives the wondering cats. The strange womanly figure reached her hand and caressed kindly the head of the tigress and said in a very caring tone “Now advice yourself dear. You don’t want to scare the poor animals. You’ve got lots of alive food back home.”
Monsi was mesmerized by her and her big cat and couldn’t take his eyes from her. Suddenly the womanly figure caught Monsi’s hypnotized gaze, she looked at him she smiled and she nodded and then most gracefully for a woman in her kilos and size, started approaching him. She was not exactly walking or gliding it was something in between, her way of moving created uneasiness in Monsi, there was something undefined about her presence a most curious sense of not belongingness. Rispa was looking also towards her and asked monsi “Why is Kikimora coming towards us”
 “I was staring at her” said in an enchanted sort of way.
 “well stop now you fool what did I tell you, before entering the bar? NOT TO STARE.”
“It’s all right sweet sweet child, let him stare… There is nothing bad in curiosity unless if you are curious about death… but today alas no one dies… today.” said an eerie voice and the womanly figure was suddenly sitting next to them. A trail of wet footprints had followed her. Monsi was still unable to speak, with a sudden terror he realized that the tigress had also left her spot and now she was sitting on his new shoes rubbing her lethal mouth on his trembling knees. “There is no reason to be afraid of Kiki my sweet sweet boy, she is as playful as a little kitten, no one plays with her and she feels lonely carress her head gently but be carefull you do not want to overexcite her.” Monsi had no other choice, the womanly-figure had her eyes on him, looking approvingly, expecting him to raise his hands to caress her beast and the tigress was now even more fiercely rubbing her head on his legs. With a lot of resentment he started slowly rubbing her head; the immediate result was frightening, the frequency of her purring was so loud that the made of jelly banana couch begun trembling so badly that all of them were bouncing up and down as if they were sitting on a trampoline. “Good, good!!! Now she is happy, no she owns you” and she gave him a smile. “Oh, hhhhh how nice” said Monsi and suddenly remembering that he is talking to a stranger he said “Well Sweet sweet lady (He thought it would be most appropriate since this woman, whatever she was, had already called them like this) I am Monsi and this is my sweet sweet friend  Rispa, nice to meet you.”  “It’s nice to meet you too sweet sweet children.  I am Kikimora not that you don’t already know of course” and she smiled again.  She had her hand raised as if she was waiting from Monsi to do something with that. Needless to say that in Planet triangle people do not greet shaking hands  (No this is considered to be dirty) what they do is that they pinch the left nipple of the person they meet.  Monsi raised his hand, the one that was caressing the tigress, to pinch kikimora’s nipple. When he did so  Kikimora had a blank face full of surprise, she blushed and giggled, she blushed even more and giggled, then she raised her hand to pinch Monsi’s nipple, when she did that she already looked like a mature tomatoe and the giggling could not stop “Ah! Young children, so warm and alive, and so very different. They have told me so but I forgot” “You forgot what?” asked Monsi “OUCH” exclaimed before finishing his question mark, as he felt the tigress biting his finger. “No No No Kiki ! Bad Kiki !!! You got her overexcited  sweet sweet boy. Come with me I will give you a remedy for that. My room is upstairs.” And said to Rispa “Sweet sweet girl please take care of her and remember do not overexcite her.”

She was leading the way through the crowd, her big round posture but also her eeriness made it quite easy. People were just stepping away usually staring having their mouths open (it is considered as politeness in triangle planet). Kikimora was just smiling to everyone and every once in a while she was muttering mainly to herself “Sweet sweet children, how alive how warm.” They reached the end of a corridor; in front of them there was a door, a big door. It was coloured with the colours of the forest, green, brown, grey, yellow and the blue of the rivers. Kikimora caressed the door in adoration and without the smile ever leaving her face pulled up her sleeve, picked a beautiful knife made of a metal Monsi had no idea about, and stubbed her own wrist. Monsi gasped, “Do not be worried Sweet sweet child, entertainment has its prizes, anyways I heal very fast. See?” She showed her wrist to Monsi and indeed there was not even a hint of a scar. The door opened and a sweet flowery breeze came from inside “is it inside or outside” thought Monsi. Kikimora went in immediately and shouted “sweet sweet boy come in, come in, spit-spot! the gate will soon close for the next one minute” Monsi stepped in or out or somewhere in between? he had no idea. He knew thought that he was standing with Kikimora in the middle of a forest. Kikimora had no more this alien air that she was carrying before in the club. Now Monsi realized that he was not different but in a sense incompatible with his surroundings, he did not belong there exactly and this is why perplexed as he was he asked “Where are we? Who are you? What are you? What is this place.”  “We are home, my home and this is the only thing that you need to know at the moment” “but” “No but! I took you with me because we need to talk, I! need to talk… You will be listening silently, behaving  yourself and without asking. There are many things to talk about and we don’t have much time.” The door behind them shut. “What can you possible say to me in just one minute” “Sweet sweet ignorant child the door will be closed for one minute at your home. Here the door will be closed for two hours. We have enough time. And as always she gave him a smile” “Who are you and what are you?” asked once more Monsi this time noticing for the first time the features of her face. Her face was defined with strong lines. Her big eyes seemed even larger because of her massive black and white eyebrows. Her mouth was firm with a hint of unburned lust. Her fat lips were deep crimson and their colour was even more emphasized by the extreme whiteness of her teeth. Every smile was a flash of white and red. Her chin, pointy, but strong gave her an imperial air of authority.

“Who am I? What am I? I am a creature of legends. Wizards raised me; I have never met my father. They said I was the Devils daughter. But no I have seen the Devil with my own eyes, I asked him, he refused, I was sad. But he taught me Scholomance. I bathed with him in the small lake the one that is immeasurably deep, and keeps all the knowledge of my world and I survived. I was dancing in my world from Dusk until dawn. I used to be the terror of the night without even harming anyone! I never harmed anyone! I was just building a reputation. Humans you see are very easily scared. Only my figure was enough, my presence, my name, my eyes, and my laugh. I am Kikimora and now I am just awfully bored with this world.”

“Humans? Wizards? Devil? This world? Where am I?”

“Not even an hour in this god forsaken planet and you are becoming like them… too focused! Now shut it! There is a revolution come in on, a great awakening, and you are part of it.”

“Me part of what? I do not understand”

“You don’t have to! We seriously need to leave from here otherwise your mind and perception will be altered! We need you not to understand! Just go with the flow! Enjoy the ride even if it is a complete nonsense. You had an epiphany right? A revelation some days ago?”

“I saw something yes! It was information about something… I need to focus”
“No No No !” said Kikimora exasperated “You mustn’t sweet sweet Child, otherwise you will be the doom of us. Look the alarm is already set! Two beings are on the hunt for you, the one is quick the other is slow. They were in the bar remember?”

“in the bar?”

“The two friars, wasn’t that conspicuous enough?”

“I’ve seen friars in a bar many times and believe me they were not only caressing each others pricks. They were on fire. F I R E!!!!”

“Oh sweet sweet child so innocent so pure, I wish you could stay like this forever. Alas these two friars are waiting at the moment to capture you. Put you on trial and kill you”

“Kill me? For what?”

“For what you saw. For what you may perceive. Because they know how dangerous is the knowledge you bare. And that is why in front of their eyes you are extremely dangerous. All their carefully designed plans are ready to be exposed."

“Am I?” asked Monsi and suddenly felt proud!

“Yes you are! But you are also of a low mental capacity. Now open your ears. Listen. Watch. Learn. FORGET!”

The door opened. They were back to the club. His hand was in bandages. 

“That was fast!” said Rispa.

Monsi was confused “Yes it was fast, quite fast really! Thank you again.. eeeeerrrrrr what’s your name again?”

“Kikimora my young sweet sweet innocent child”

Monsi realized that there was also blood on the floor and that the big tigress was licking it from the floor. “What happened here?” “Nothing the friars next to us became very excited and they wanted me to join them. I refused but they were insisting, why wouldn’t they anyway, right? Anyways the tigress was annoyed and attacked them. They left being quite annoyed. Ok then Kikimora take your animal back please I am becoming quite bestial like your tigress”
Kikimora said nothing in reply to her impertinence She called kiki and they both left being obviously insulted.

“Ok come on Monsi let’s go to another bar. I don’t like it here anymore.” And drugged him outside.

“Did you really had to do this? Did you really had to insult her in such a way?”

“Oh come on, we had FUN”

“You had fun, I just got more confused than I was already, I wish I knew the meaning of all this”

“Confused about the AW, EK, PU ?”

“How do you know about it?”

“I saw it in the mirror… remember? Plus do you really think that our meeting and my insisting coming here was just a coincidence? Really? And I thought that you were literally smart… Thank god you are literally stupid, we need you that way. Do you remember anything ”

“Not really”

“But you remember she told you something right ?? And you remember who am I supposed to be?”

“My protector?”

“You are not that silly after all… come on… spit-spot we have a lot of work to do”
                                                                  * * *

“It was he aye?”  “Yes Mr Slow it was he” “What now?” Mr Quick smiled “We will finish what we started and got interrupted by that wild beast and then we will find the right time and place to do our dirty work”  “You know perfectly Mr Quick that I never do dirty things, I demand that you rephrase!”
 “Mr slow it is a figure of speech”
“Well do not speak figuratively about or to me. After all you know well that I am offering clean and nice deaths”
 “Oh yes Mr Slow, I know you do indeed.”
“Mr Quick what about her and her filthy animal? She will be a problem you know….”
“We will have to make contact Mr Slow and quite soon. The confederation will unleash someone from her own world to take care of her, and anyways she is not under our jurisdiction at the moment.”
“Will she ever be Mr Quick?
“Oh Soon enough everyone will be under our jurisdiction Mr Slow. Everyone.”

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Chapter Two: Life after the incident regarding Monsi’s tea

It was a tiny insignificant detail somewhere hidden in the most secret places of his triangular brain. Triangulars even if considered to be “aliens” to us they do not possess as someone from earth would think a special intelligence. This is not the case at all, nature in all its potency has limits and inside these limits all the creatures of this universe exist, think, act and react. The basic forms of life could be considered quite boring but usually life, thus nature, chooses always the path of evolution, the one which is functional, practical and therefore obvious.
A boring example would be, in order for a form of life to be on air needs wings, thus wings it has. If someone wants to think needs brains, thus brains he has. Unfortunately when it comes to brains this is not always the case as you might have experienced already quite a lot of times. Going on about the triangulars, they have a brain like humans do without having any extraordinary mental capacities. What changes however, is the mental processes of perception. There is the earthly perception and then the triangular perception. The triangular perception is more focused in the periphery of the information, which is received, but not in the centre of it. It is exactly like the triangle. The points around the centre of the triangular are what defines the triangular and not necessarily the centre. So Monsi had a difficulty in accepting the obvious. He was struggling to fight a lost battle because the centre of the information he had received the previous afternoon could not stop screaming at his brain cells LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME.  Despite though all this shouting his brain unwillingly, mainly due to its structure, was refusing to look, encouraging Monsi to wake up earlier than usual and begin his beautiful day. Little did he know!

It was one of these days that you have something bothering you without being able to define it. Everything goes wrong without the day giving you any sign of mercy or compensation. It was a bad day, his brain was aching so much, it felt like having someone hitting rhythmically from the inside his brain bones. It was as if there was someone surfing on his brain cells, it felt like his head would crack and explode creating a nuclear butterfly form in the sky (no mushrooms in planet triangle).
People were also quite mean to him. His teacher was screaming at him during the lesson, people at the market were doing their best to make him feel stupid and incompetent, two biketringlists almost crossed over him without asking to excuse them, instead they were been extremely uncivilised shouting to him “What! Are you fucking blind are you?” and that was weird given the fact that they were extremely kind to the next person that almost became their victim, to whom they apologized kindly and moved on, as usual decent and respectful trianglers do.

 As he was passing by the great square of Kar he stopped to look himself at the monumental mirror of the unknown saviour. The basic idea of this monument was that since there is no clue and no evidence about this saviour, thus he is unknown, everyone can see looking at the mirror his or her face being reflected and possibly revealing the identity of the possible saviour.  He enjoyed looking at the mirror; he always believed that if the unknown saviour had his looks wouldn’t be unknown at all, not this time though. This time, when he saw his reflection, almost hated him and the worst was that he could not define why. All of a sudden, he looked a little bit more smug and knowledgeable, he seemed feeling great but at the same time there was something very offensive about this satisfaction with him. He had an air of a disgusting righteousness, and this righteousness was exactly so atrocious to behold, because he had no idea why he was so righteous about anyway. Simply said he looked like a fool.

He seemed to be like these mental people standing in the middle of the square claiming to be prophets or son of prophets or even worst sons of God. Needless to say that on Planet Triangle, as in almost every planet, there is a God. They call him the watchful eye and he is represented by a triangle with an eye on the top. He is not a great, or a miraculous God like ours are in earth, and we have quite plenty of them actually, but he is a decent god. He is called the Great Architect and he demands only a good life by all his believers. Some rules are set such as:

“When you start something finish it”

“If you think you can’t do something, then don’t it”

“Always defend the truth or at least adapt it to your case but always with decency”

“Find the limits between pure logic and nonsense”

“If you are so stupid and start judging others then begin firstly by judging thyself”

And then the infamous and quite oppressing for the inhabitants of planet triangle,

 “Never! NEVER!! NEVER!!! Sleep with more than 33 people at a time or you will be called promiscuous and be judged not by me but from the society”.

 So he had this face full of this revolting smugness and disgusting righteousness (the ha ha face I got you) that could make anyone furious. However even if he recognized the state of his expression, he could not take it out of himself, it was as if his body new something and had decided not to share the knowledge with him. And suddenly the first hit came. His hand punched him right on his nose. It hurt so much…second hit and the pain grew even more… he looked again his face in the monumental mirror of the Unknown Saviour (the son of the Great Architect, which by the way is unknown and there is no clue about what he exactly saved or what he will save. There is a lack of information concerning his divine existence into the holy scriptures, as well as some inaccuracies about if he was, or if he will be, or if he is, but none the less Trianglers decided to worship him pro bono) and he saw himself smiling and nodding at him slowly articulating the following three words EK, AW and PU.

Now before going on there are some phenomena in nature that are extraordinary and too successful to be considered as a product of just pure infinite luck. One of these examples is Earth, which as you all know is located in an orbit around our Sun that gives it the right temperature for liquid water and things to grow. It is not too hot and not too cold, it is just right! At the same time about our moon someone could suggest that randomly has the same analogically diameter as the sun, and thus we live maybe in one of the fewest planets if not the only one where we can be entertained by this spectacular show that we call the solar eclipse. God, Luck, Randomness, these are many finite words with no actual meaning trying to explain the infinite possibilities of an even more infinite universe. Sad. The world is in a state of flux and not of a stasis. leave it be. Its stasis it’s his flux and his flux its stasis. What is happening is happening. Stay to the fact and do not ask why.
Therefore, like the Earth the Moon and obviously since it is a leaving planet, Planet Triangle, Monsi had one of the most crucial, extremely based on luck meetings of his life so far and that would begin with a bimbo scream (a.k.a the scream of a Bimbo)
“OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG  OMG !!! LOOK AT YOU!!! What are you doing here? Where have you been? How are you? It’s been so long! Do you like my dress?”

“Well hello to you too Sirap. I am living here. I was studying. Now I’ve finished. I am waiting to enter the adult program. I am unemployed. NO! I have to go ASAP!”

“Hey! Hang on! Don’t be so hasty! Are you ditching me away? You are ditching me away!”

“Well well you are not just another red-haired are you now? You are a red-haired with brains. Anyhow what are you doing here in Kar? This town is too small for your reputation. (Ten men and three women have gathered around giving Sirap lustful looks) Hey Sir please, by all means, do as you do, but please keep your boner down! You see now what I mean Sirap, these people have no manners”

“Who needs manners when I am here babe? So I came to this shithole of yours for some leisure time. I’ve been moving films for ages now and I am just tired I need some time off for me. So I came here and mind you had I not seen you talking to yourself I wouldn’t have greeted you but you seemed in need!”

“In need indeed but for a fucking psychotherapist” He thought. “No I wasn’t. That is ridiculous. Let us just say that I’m in a bad state, that’s all, nothing to worry about. Ok now I am going,  bye bye!”

“Hold on you smug face piece of shit!!! I haven’t seen you for ages since the incident and this is how you behave?”

“Well yes! this is how I greet you since the incident and mind you that I’ve realized now why you wanted me so bad to escort you. Just because you wanted a thirty-fourth person. You were building your reputation on my back!”

“I had already a reputation my dear friend, you just helped me look even more slutier… and for that I am grateful”

“And this is how you show your gratitude? Appearing after 4 years in front of me nonchalantly asking me how I am and screaming OMG?”

“What’s wrong Monsi-mons? Haven’t you missed your friend Rispa? Ex daughter and the present greatest slut of the Trobe? And anyways what’s the problem with you? You don’t seem well?”

“I wish I knew Rispa… Look I am quite edgy at the moment (I just saw myself smiling and nodding and speaking incomprehensible words, he thought) just give me some time all right…? For how long will you be here?”

“How long do you want me to be?” And she gave her special smile
Something, (well we know what!) stirred inside Monsi’s pants. He grinned a smiley grin and said “I have still the same number… call me bitch!”.

Finally he was smiling. It was a small smile but still a smile it was. Quite uneasy with a pinch of bitterness, god knows why he was bitter, but bitter he was, and exhausted, you see for our friend smiling used to be quite easy. He used to smile everyday, every hour, every moment with no second thoughts and usually whichever were the circumstances. But today he had to struggle. Walking back home he had this skeevie feeling that he was watched and followed. It was this sense  but not the one that you read in novels or the one that people mention when narrating stories of how they were robbed or followed by a maniac stalker. No that was not the case, it was not a passer by… not a stalker… not even a spy… it was as if all existence was watching him. It was like all the attention of the universe was focusing on him. He was scared. He needed to sleep.  

                                           *   *   *   *

“He was floating into nothingness, into a void in between the galaxies, the semen of creation. Darkness was so thick that he could see it, an immaterial materialized next to him, around him, above him surrounding him but not being into him. Two different existences in a fight. This darkness was alive as was he. This darkness wanted to float into him. It was pressing his eyes, his ears his nose trying to invade his skull with might and determination, and how much he was resisting…!, and when time came to let it enter, “a sweet surrender, a relief” he thought knowing that anyways it was inevitable. “Who can fight against such a power? Who is able to will and tame this beast?” And then the voice resonated into the emptiness. It was not his screaming. No. It was an imperial voice, an oasis into the vast silent brutality of darkness and it was beautiful and powerful. And it said AW, EK, PU”

                                                   *   *   *   *

He woke up. He was hard. The phone rang. It was Rispa. “Shit” he said and he picked up.