Saturday 10 March 2012

Chapter Four: About Mr Quick and Mr slow.

Mr Quick and Mr Slow were raised up together and they were betrothed to each other since infancy. Their families had been very clear about these arrangements, when they first realized during the usual and necessary genetic control imposed by the confederation of Octagons that their not yet born children would have a tendency towards violence and evil.
Their families mighty might they were but, alas commoners in front of the eyes of Octagon justice. The law was clear; the law was firm; the law was just. Anyone who had a genetically tendency towards violence and evil had to be trained as a soldier, and be raised under the parenthood and care of the state’s army.
They gave them no names. They had nor the time to hold them, nor the right to see them ever again. The names that were supposed to bear were forgotten, as well as their heritage. There was only one request, and because of the two father’s statuses in octagon society it was well respected and fulfilled.The children were to grow up together, never to be parted by anyone and eventually when the time was right to get married. Their offspring would be genetically scanned, and in case it was found untouched by its parents tendencies would be passed on to be raised by its grandparents.
Mr Quick and Mr Slow were indeed never parted. They grew up together. they were trained together and they learned to love each other. When they came of age they wedded. Their wedding took part inside a military camp with their parents only listening their vows of immortal and everlasting love. During their bedding, they spilled their seed into a common cup. Their seed was taken and planted, and their offspring after 12 months of growth and tests was given eventually to their family. They never knew, they never felt the need to ask. They were fighters, they were soldiers they were cunning and cruel hence they were completely devoted and in love with each other, there was no room for anyone else, and this is where for them was all the meaning of this world.

During their traineeship their mighty talents were uncovered and even though had they lost their names and the heritage of their big and powerful families, they hadn’t lost the powers of their fathers. And this is a sufficient explanation about why currently their names are well known and dreaded across the Universe. For as simple as that, Mr Quick was quick and Mr Slow, slow.
Someone would think that these are nicknames, which show their mental capacities. This is not the case. Both of them were granted with high intelligence, efficiency and stamina. The attributed names given by their comrades during the difficult years of training in the army, exhibit the obvious without even a hint of hyperbolism.
Mr Quick is not just another quick person. If you look the word velocity up in a dictionary you will see his face, do it I dare you! These words: Active, agile, blue streak, brisk, double-time, flashing, fleeting, hot, hurried, hypersonic, lickety split, like a bat out of hell, like crazy, like mad, nimble, presto, rapid, snappy, supersonic, velocious, winged, are just inadequate to describe his extraordinary ability. His heart was made of solid fire and the only one that could cool him down was Mr Slow.
The name slow is again quite impecunious like the verbal abilities of people serving in an army. Mr Slow was able to be unseen, unheard, unspoken if he wanted to. Silent, cold and crystallized he was and he could be understood, motivated, and touched only by a quick person like Mr Quick. Both of them were two opposites paradoxically connected and so potent that they could be rulers of the universe; alas they had only one obstacle, their great love for each other, for their powers to be in their absolute might had to be separated.

                                              *    *    *    *

The octagon army and its secrets services used them quite many times for quite many, and various impossible missions. They were always successful. Brutality, cruelty and efficiency were their virtues. The question of whether if these values were the outcome of genes and biology, or the result of an inhuman training imposed to them cannot be answered here and simply it shan’t. Social scientists, doctors, biologists, psychologists I am sure can give many different and possibly quite satisfactory answers, and all of them will claim to be correct and unmistaken. I, on the other hand, will not give any justifying explanatory reason for their mental state and actions. I will say only that they had hell of a lot of fun in killing people and loving each other ardently, and this is exactly what they were doing. This is exactly the only thing the knew to do.
Their traces in history many. Everything unexplained, sudden, violent and brutal has their signature. Most of their acts were usually under orders but there are records of cases, like the following one which shows that from time to time they had also quite a lot of fun by practicing their favourite habit, killing.
On the earthly year 1952, February the 2nd, during their winter vacation on earth in Canada (It was Mr Slow insisting since their previous vacation were on planet Io, commonly known as the volcano planet) and after two days of hot and exhausting lovemaking, Mr Quick and Mr Slow felt the urge to have fun.
The next day six bodies were found dead and mutilated, three women and three men, their tents were destroyed; the men had bruises and their arms ripped out and the women, had their tongues cut, police officers, as well as the genitor that practiced the autopsy, were terrified by the precision, stuffed inside their firm, stiff, fists.
There is nothing explanatory or justifying about this violent act so atrociously practiced on other human beings with no obvious reason. In order to do such a thing, you have to enjoy it, and because of personal experience and knowledge believe me, Mr Quick as well as Mr Slow that night had the fun of their life.


  1. thanks my dear for incorporating me in the group of people who can read this. Who can have an insight in your head. Never be ashamed of showing your real identity, ever. Yes i have to say that sometimes i cant follow it, but do i have to?, is that the intention? Is there an intention? i like the atmosphere you create! A world new for me! I feel like i have to pay attention to understand, but then i decide to let that go and other things happen, you create a feeling, you make me use my imagination,make me create stories around it.
    Smile, x dutchie

  2. Thank you so much !!! :) The idea is to make people follow it... but in order to achieve that I have to organize my fantasy in a better way and most importantly improve the use of english... :) I am happy that you like my story. Stay tuned... in the next days chapter five and chapter six will be online :) Kiss !!!
