Monday 19 March 2012

Chapter Five: Where Monsi finds out that he has talents. (Part 1)

This chapter is still under revision

“What’s the name of this world you told me about?”

“Earth and we are not supposed to talk publicly about it,  so lower your voice”

The next day after the meeting with Kikmora, Monsi and Rispa went out to grab a coffee. They sat outside since it was a lovely day. It was sunny, there were some beautiful pink clouds decorating the sky. Monsi was staring at them wearing a completely blank expression.

“Are you trying to remember? Oh Monsi !!! What have I told you””
“That I am not allowed to remember of anything that Kikimora told me last night.”

“Yes you are not allowed. Monsi please just let it go, and just act! Do not think about it. The information you received is supposed to be kept secret if you do remember then all this fuss and all this struggle are for nothing.”

“But that is the point! If I do not try to remember then how can you expect me to understand what are you fighting for guys?”

“Because you are not supposed too. Just act instinctively and I will be by your side in every step to help you and guide you”

“Rispa ok I am trying but seriously this is ridiculous you told me that we have a lot of work to do and since 7 in the morning we have already sat to 4 different coffee places just looking at each other! I mean this is outrageous we are not doing something we just consume coffee.”

“Well Kikimora explained that it would take some time didn’t she? Besides if you keep thinking about it your brain will be continuously misreading the guidelines that were given to you. So just relax and take it easy”

 “Yes I should take it easy, the thing is that I am getting very annoyed and  find it very difficult to take it easy especially when I am instructed too… and you know very well which word ignites me and gets me snappy.”

“Don’t even start!”
“No I just pronounced the word relax, please, keep yourself together relax!”
“Do you do that on purpose? I AM relaxed”
 “Oh you have a lot of nerve!!! Seriously you are being ironic with me?” by now he was standing up being completely red with anger, obviously not relaxed at all “I am relax and I do not need you to tell me what to do, you know very well…”
“Oh my god” thought Rispa “he started again, I wonder how much this crisis of hysteria will last this time?” and silently she started fantasizing butterflies and ribbons and bunnies and clouds and as she was thinking about these things her face had an even more annoying expression of self awareness and peacefulness that was making Monsi even more angrier. And then she realized that there was silence.
Monsi was looking at her with an expression of someone who just had an amazing epiphany.
“Are you alright?” she asked,
“Yes I think I am?”
“Is this a question?”
“I am not exactly sure…”
“What is it then?”
 “I really do not know, I just feel like walking. No walking, actually running. We should run… We should leave this place, now!”
He grabbed her hand and he begun running like crazy, his heart was biting fast, he could feel the pulses in his head, his ears where buzzing rhythmically, he could not stop. Despite the whole running situation he felted danger but simultaneously a strange euphoria that gave him the needed boost to run faster, faster than he had ever run in his life. He was sure in a very uncertain way about his whereabouts, he knew without understanding where to go. He passed by the memorial of the unknown saviour, he run across the bridge of glass and he entered into the antigravity leisure park. Rispa was silent trying to keep up with him, not that she needed to since he was in a sense carrying her away with him. The moment they entered the park both of them left the ground, with the speed of a triangle puma Monsi was jumping from one tree to another pulling with him an amazed and bewildered Rispa until he found a round tree house. He stopped at the porch, opened the door made of dark glass entered and closed the door behind him.

“Hem hem”

Monsi and Rispa screamed,

“Hem hem”

Monsi and Rispa screamed again

“Hem hem hem, excuse me but I really do not think that it is kind of you to scream whenever I cough, you are seriously making me feel quite uncomfortable about it. Besides I just want to catch your attention I never expected that my cough to catch attention would be that fearsome.”

Monsi and Rispa were confused. There was no one to be seen.

“You could now close your mouths please. This is something I never understood with you humanoids, whenever something happens most of the times you take this silly expression. Now compose yourselves.”

“It is not our intention to seem rude” said Monsi hesitantly “But we can’t see you”

“That is none of my concern young man! None of my concern indeed! In the old days people were taught to look now you just stare with your mouths open, which is something completely useless since you can open your mouth as widely was you want, by all means, but it wont make any difference… Why not try to open your eyes.”
Monsi looked Rispa, Rispa looked Monsi wearing a huge question mark on their faces. They closed their mouths.
“Much better! Well that’s a nice start, now open your eyes!”
Monsi and Rispa did their best,
“I said open, not goggle… STOP you two! You are being ridiculous! And I am not entertained at all!
“Ok now whoever you are, I am sure about one thing, you are annoying” said Rispa.
“Tut tut tut there is no need for insolence young lady! I am not to be blamed because you were not taught to use your body parts correctly”
“Well, in all my defence I know how to use my body parts quite well” said while winking at Monsi.
“Hmmm as it seems some more than others!” replied the voice. “Ok let’s make this easy. So close your eyes, and then start turning around yourselves very quickly after 33 times stop take a deep breath and open.”
“Are you serious” Asked Monsi,
“Young man, that’s enough! I am not to be trifled with! You really have to learn to understand when help is given. Now! I won’t say that again. Go on.”
Rispa and Monsi looked again each other. Rispa whispered, “It seems that we have no other choice let us just do what it is asked, it or she or he or whatever it is  really starts getting to my nerves” And so they did. After one, two, three four, five six, seven, eight…. Twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six…. Thirty one, thirty two, thirty three rounds they took a deep breath as they were instructed and opened their eyes…
It was like a picture developing in a dark room, first came the scheme, slowly followed the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the teeth the paws, it was Kiki, Kikimora’s tigress. 

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