Friday 4 May 2012

Chapter Five: Where Monsi finds out that he has talents. (Part 2)

“Well well I should have understood the annoying voice, the moment I heard your idiotic coughing” “Glad to see you too Rispa” said the tigress and gave a ridiculously big well-rehearsed sinister smile.
“The tigress talks” Said Monsi.
“You talk and she talks” replied Kiki
“We all of us talk” said Rispa, “Now that we have settled the proper use of verb talk can we proceed with our business? Was that frenzy running your doing Kiki?”

“The tigress talks” continue Monsi obviously unable to digest the fact.
“I can see that few hours with you have already caused an un-repaired damage to his mental capacities. As always Detrimental Darling. Yes Monsi I do talk! I am not a being from your planet and I was left here to help you deal with your current problems, Kikimora unfortunately had to deal with other business”
“What kind of business?” asked Rispa in a demanding kind of way “Well none of your concern at the moment!” Replied Kiki firmly, and continued “I am quite amazed actually that Monsi was able to let himself go and meet me here. This appointment was set in order to see if Kikimora’s spell works and as I can see it worked. You were just late but maybe that was because of your incompetence Rispa?”
Rispa took a deep breath closed her eyes exhaled and replied with an unnatural sweet voice, “Well I was about to ask you, because something very unexpected happened” “oh yes of course something unexpected…” replied the tigress with even a sweeter but at the same time menacing voice. “well everything happened as it was expected, all day long until now at least he was in a complete blank phase. I knew that the spell would take more time on him especially because of his character and his quite developed mental abilities, so I was quite patient all day and then all of a sudden he snapped…” in the mean time Monsi was still silent looking at Rispa and Kiki. “what do you mean when you say snap?” interrogated violently Kiki “Well he snapped I don’t know a way of explaining it better” Kiki pleaded ironically “Please, try to amaze us with your advanced verbal abilities by all means, shed some light” Rispa breathed once more, the kind of noisy breath that speechless people breathe when they have no other ways of showing their annoyance, she smiled a maniac terrifying smile full of sweet poison, targeted Kiki with her eyes and said “well we were sitting outside drinking a coffee. I was already a little bit disappointed by him as I already said before you interrupting me and suddenly he grabbed my hand and begun running.”  “Well there is nothing odd about that, it was the spell finally working, he was programmed by Kikimora to come and find me” “Was it? Are you sure? Because this run was something else it was unnatural no actually it was supernatural he was going really fast” “Was he now?” asked Kiki with an enigmatic smile “well apparently he has more talents than he knows, and obviously than we know too” Monsi in the meantime had seated himself down on the floor still looking expressionless the wall. “What is the problem with him now why is he so silent?” “I think that he tries to digest all these information he received in almost less that an hour” said Kiki giggling. “Are you laughing at me” said Monsi with a silent anger creeping in his voice. None of the females replied. “ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME?” Said this time evidently outraged. Monsi was fuming and that was not nothing to be afraid of. The scary fact was that the tree house was now slowly trembling, as if it was floating on boiling water, “Monsi you have to calm down now, come one boy” said Kiki, but Monsi was unable of relaxing and continued screaming even louder, “I WAS NOT JUST RUNNING I WAS FLYING! I MADE AN HOUR DISTANCE IN LESS THAN A MINUTE, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? ALL THESE DREAMS! ALL THESE SECRETS! WHY IS THE TREE HOUSE TREMBLING? AM I SOME KIND OF A Fre..” the screaming stopped abruptly “Well it is the only right think you have done all day long I must say Rispa!” said Kiki laughing “this was quite a hit” “Well thanks, but we cannot go like this you know there is obviously something happening to him that even me I cannot understand” “Well you don’t have to, for now, what you need, well we need, is to keep him calm. If such an exhibition of his powers happens once more the project will be endangered.”  “Ok then suit yourself do not reveal still all of your secrets but you will have to tell me some day, you know that!” “Well my dear Rispa it is not my project isn’t it? Kikimora at this stage at least demands secrecy, and secrecy she shall have. The only thing that I can reveal is that he begun running franticly because of his pursuers” “Pursuers?” asked Rispa, “Yes Pursuers, you know, people who hunt other people, I received an information this morning. Apparently Mr Slow and Mr quick are on the loose, to be precise they were yesterday at the bar” “the two monks you mean? So that was the reason of your ridiculous bestial performance” “watch your mouth Rispa because I will perform bestially on you and you wont like it at all” “I’m sorry” said Rispa trying not to laugh, “Anyways” continued kiki “yesterday I was catching their scent because I was quite suspicious of them and in the end I proved to be right, the only thing that puzzles me is why they haven’t made a move of killing Monsi?” “Maybe because they don’t have a license to kill us yet?” proposed Rispa stressing the us in order to show that her life was as the same value as Monsi’s. “Well it can be an explanation but still not a sufficient one. Anyways I think that Monsi’s powers today were mainly triggered because of their presence. It is quite amazing, something else, despite the fact that even if he does not understand what is going on, who are his enemies, what does he have to accomplish, his body and instincts act for him in a most efficient way, truly amazing” “well if you say so misses I know it all. So what is next?” asked Rispa “We are going to the Triangle-Top we need to recruit the royal family. I am very afraid that the representatives and senators have been recruited by others. Do you remember your way in the palace, codes and passwords?” “Oh yes I do” said Rispa smiling. Kiki took the unconscious Monsi on her back and opened the door behind her. Kiki, Rispa and the unconscious Monsi entered inside the room. The room was round made of obsidian, in the centre there was a column, a bright pink column and on it there were three special placements for two hands and one paw. “Hold him tight and steadily” said kiki to rispa “we have a long way to the top.”